Hi Phil Where is the site in the pictures posted It Looks familiar landing in the Coast range Mountains Close to the ocean. I plan to do some Pota operation once the
weather gets better. 73s Gerard KE7CF
Phil Bride
Hi Gerard, This is Nicolai Mountain not far from Clatskanie. It’s an official SOTA peak. It’s a bit of a drive up logging roads but doable with most vehicles. Expect snow and ice in the winter. And watch out for bucks!
73, Phil, KK7HCY
Hi Phil Where is the site in the pictures posted It Looks familiar landing in the Coast range Mountains Close to the ocean. I plan to do some Pota operation once the
weather gets better. 73s Gerard KE7CF
Hi Gerard, This is Nicolai Mountain not far from Clatskanie. It’s an official SOTA peak. It’s a bit of a drive up logging roads but doable with most vehicles. Expect snow and ice in the winter. And watch out for bucks!
73, Phil, KK7HCY