The Outdoors Net
Please join our weekly Outdoors Net every Thursday from 8:10PM-9:00PM PST.
The primary purpose of this Net is to share Information about great Outdoors.
The Outdoors Net Every Thursday from 8:10PM-9:00PM PST on the linked K7RPT Repeaters, Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, also the 146.72 megahertz repeater on Wickiup Mountain with a 114.8 hz tone.
Starting on ARRG System, Thursday June 15th, 2023!
You can also join us via 147.320 ECHOLINK: K7RPT-L on The Amateur Radio Relay Group (ARRG) System.
Net Operations
Net Manager
Glenn – WA7FSH
Alternate Net Control Stations
Phil – N7PMB
Chris – WA4NDR
Tom – KK7FBL
Glenn – WA7FSH
KC7NYR – Mark
K7ATN Guest Speaker talks about SOTA during the Outdoors Net 1-21-22. This is a audio mp3 recording you can download or play.
Excellent information from K7ATN.
Thanks K7ATN, appreciate your feedback!
Hi Glenn and Mark P. There is a lot of good information here to catch up on. Thanks for putting this together!! Gerard Davis KE7CF
Thank You Gerard, KE7CF for for positive feedback! We Appreciate it!
Thank you Gerard! We appreciate your positive feedback!
I’d check in but dont have my liscence yet. Just wanted to say good evening gentlemen and I look forward to joining you soon! -Ken in Molalla
Thanks Ken. Keep listening in and when you get that ticket jump in. This is a particapant driven group. “Any activity that gets you off the couch is fair game”. Feel free to drop me a line on any platform. There is a facebook page called The fishing Net. I do post and go live on there once in awhile … lol Email me and I’ll shoot my mobile if you want to text.
This is awesome information for a newbie like myself to learn even more. Thank you for the video’s and the chats on the air. KK7GIV Dan
Your more than welcome to send in pics and videos yourself. This is participant driven so jump in. Enjoy …
Glenn WA7FSH
Dan, that was awesome I was able to hit the Timber repeater from Sandy this afternoon with my little UV5R and yagi to make contact with you. Here is the context of the contact we made and btw I’m relatively new to ham radio as well: baofeng uv-5r with a yagi I build out of scrap parts went 52 mile running 3 watts, Yaesu FT-2980 with a J Pole running at 70 watts barely goes 30 miles and cannot hit the repeater but can somewhat get a receive signal. Goes to show the antenna set up is very important (and placement.) I was in my backyard which is slightly higher up and pointed just over my roof whereas the J Pole is out front and points into the trees and another house.
Hopefully I can catch Glenn’s outdoor net and hear you on there. 73’s and cheers to you.
We will remember and honor Silent Key KI7VDS this week 4/13/23 on the net.
i will revisit our first tech tip that was sent to me by Gary.
The current and on going discussion on The Net has been not only lively at times but full of great information.
Thanks to our Net VP for bringing this to life.